Woodrow Wilson High School’s Sign Language Club held their annual Signing Santa event on December 11, 2024 for the deaf and hard of hearing. Angela Moore, the advisor of the Sign Language Club created the organization because she felt that sign language was a unique language that needed to be shown. “When I began teaching deaf and hard of hearing students at Woodrow, I felt there was a need to create something that would allow their unique language to shine. I felt that others needed to learn of their unique culture.” The club has been around for ten years and is open to all students and staff. Moore believes that the importance of sign language club is to break the barriers of the deaf and hearing community.
The recent assignment that the club worked on was the Signing Santa event. The club visited the Beckley Dream Center and provided songs in sign for those who attended. Moore’s favorite thing about the sign language club is the students she gets to work with. “My favorite part about sign language club is working with a diverse group of students who have a love for learning sign.” Abi Howell, a senior at Woodrow has taken on the role as the president. Her favorite part about Sign Language Club is getting to know new signs. “I have always been interested in American Sign Language so having the opportunity to learn new signs every meeting is exciting.” Not only does the club learn sign language but they also learn about deaf culture. “Learning about deaf culture has taught me how to be more inclusive,” states Howell. If you’re interested in learning sign language make sure to stop by E-8 every Tuesday and Thursday.