Teacher Feature: Ms. Lynsi Boyd

Aiden Brown, Writer

Lynsi Boyd is an amazing art teacher at Woodrow Wilson High School. As students head to E wing, the first person they see is Ms. Boyd and her joy and happiness. Her art is amazing, some say she should become a full time artist.

Boyd grew up drawing and has been thriving ever since. “I started drawing when I was 2. I really loved drawing birthday cakes. I also grew to enjoy drawing rabbits and angels.” As Boyd grew up she never gave up on art even as she became an adult. “In college I double majored in art and biology. My favorite art piece was when I sculpted some owls out of clay and I casted them into metal and put them on wooden bases.” After college, Boyd didn’t know about turning art into a career. She thought it would be challenging to her mental state but then she decided to explore her options and she applied at Woodrow. Boyd has been teaching at Woodrow Wilson High School for 9 years.

Even though Boyd is an art teacher, she still would love to become a full time artist and paint for a living. “If the pay was good I absolutely would, it sounds like a lot of fun.” Boyd enjoys a plethora of different art styles from clay sculpting to pyrograph. She loves almost every style of art and continues to use her knowledge to teach her classes. Boyd had a message to say to everyone who wants to become an artist or someone who wants to try something different. “Explore your options, research what is out there, look for anything that will interest you and find a way to turn it into a career. There may be art forms that you didn’t know existed until you researched. Figure out what schools have different art programs or talk to anoth

er art teacher or artist that can help you.” Ms. Boyd is an amazing teacher and all enjoy learning from her.