Toodles Terlizzi
Retiring English teacher Nancy Terlizzi, stands in front of Woodrow Wilson.
May 6, 2022
Nancy Terlizzi is leaving her profession of teaching after 26 years. For the past nine years, Mrs. Terlizzi has taught at Woodrow Wilson High School. Her favorite thing about teaching was, “the love for her subject and the contagious energy and enthusiasm of my students.” Mrs. Terlizzi will miss sharing her passion for literature with her students. Her advice to incoming teachers is to love your subject, but also love your students.
Along with her teaching career, Mrs. Terlizzi has won many awards: Teacher of the Year at Williamson High School, Arch Coal Golden Apple Winner, and Who’s Who Among American Teachers. Besides English, she has also taught, Geography, Theatre, Speech, Creative Writing, Yearbook, and AP Language and Literature. Mrs. Terlizzi says her students’ achievements throughout the years are numerous. One student won first place in a Barter Theatre Playwriting Competition. “I was so excited I couldn’t breathe!” she said.
Her advice to incoming or current high school students is, “Give your teachers a chance; don’t listen to rumors and criticism about teachers before you even meet them.” She also stated “Take pride in your work; choose successful friends; attitude is everything.” She is excited to take the next step in life by spending more time with her kids and grandchildren, mentoring beginning teachers, and writing her book!
“I will never forget the vast sea of faces who have blessed my days as a teacher; it’s been a great joy. It is an understatement to say I will miss you, WWHS!”
From all of us here at Woodrow Wilson High School, we hope you have a great retirement; stay safe and healthy!