Since the time of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, The Fellowship of Christian Athletes has served as pillar of light across the United States. The organization gives young teen athletes nationwide a safe space to talk about and express their faith. Since 1997 Woodrow Wilson High School has housed its chapter of the nationally accredited society.
Every year, the senior class of the FCA takes control of the program: giving lessons, leading games, and keeping track of attendance. A notable leader through the previous years includes Woodrow’s educator, Ms. Logan Ragland. This year the distinct honor of President and Vice President goes to Kate Fisher and Mya Wooton. Fisher has been a member of the national society since freshman year. During meetings, she is usually the responsible party for giving a lesson. Wooton is responsible for the games played. The games serve as icebreakers and allow a natural flow of conversation to occur.
As an incentive for attendance, FCA offers a purple cord to all seniors who participate in meetings throughout the year. This means that if a senior were to join now and attend most of the meetings, they would receive a purple cord for graduation.
FCA meets every Thursday in room E-10. All are encouraged to come and show their participation. For updates regarding their growth please follow the official Instagram, @wwhs.fca_