The Woodrow Wilson High School softball team officially begins their season this week. The team is coached by Mark Bird Jr., Carrie Scott, and Julie Agnor. Bird and Scott have both been coaching the team for one year, but have coached them since they were eight, while Julie Agnor coached for two years. The girls practice every day from 3 to 4:30 at the softball field. The team consists of 23 players, including nine seniors, much more than the previous years. The seniors this year are Taylor Scott, Kyndall Dooley, Katelyn Hamb, Brooklyn Bird, Presley Bailey, Natalia Meade, Sarah Hopkins, Noelle Bragg and Kaylah Surber. Two out of the nine seniors, Taylor Scott and Katelyn Hamb, will be joining the Golden Bears at WVU Tech this fall.
The team is scheduled to play South Charleston on March 13th at South Charleston, and Thursday the 14th at home field against James Monroe. From the eyes of (seniors) Natalia Meade and Brooklyn Bird, who have been playing for all four years, softball to them means more than just a sport, its a safe place and another family they can come to. “If I’m upset I go outside and hit some balls. It’s, in a way, another world for me when I play. Everything I was worrying about disappears.”
To keep up with the team, visit their Instagram @ woodrow_softball.