Three Woodrow Wilson High School students are presented with national award.
On Sept. 17, 2023 three students of Woodrow Wilson High School were awarded with The National African American Recognition Award. This award is presented to African American students across the nation that score within the top 10 percent of their respected state for the SAT or that have scored at least a three in two advanced placement classes. This year, three students of Woodrow’s student body were presented with this achievement: Jheda Hopkins, Ama Ackon-Annan, and Tyle Asamoah.
Jheda Hopkins is a current junior of Woodrow. When not in school or performing with the band she enjoys spending time with her friends. Her high AP exam scores declared her as one of three Woodrow students to receive The National African American Recognition Award this year. As well as being a gifted student, Jheda also plays four instruments, participates in Woodrow’s swim team, and is a member of Tri-m.
Additionally, Ama Ackon-Annan was also recognized with this pristine award. Ama is a senior and has won many other awards including first and third place in the Social Studies State Fair and being a National Merit finalist. Despitie her many successes through her high school career she still feels honored to be selected for such a tremendous award. “It’s an honor to be among the few students in the nation to receive such an award. I am so grateful for my parents, teachers, and friends whom have contributed to all my learning and fueled my desire to work hard.” Ama is not only an advanced placement student but also a member of Woodrow’s National Honor Society, the Diverse Student Organization, and the Model United Nations group.
Similarly to Ama, Tyle Asamoah is also a senior who was appointed with the National African American Recognition Award. Tyle has also been recognized with both first and second place in the annual Beauty Oratorical Contest. However, her past winnings have not demoted the amount of prestige she feels winning her award. “Words can not describe the honor and what a privilege this recognition is. It truly is a blessing and a great encouragement to keep working hard.”
On behalf of Woodrow Wilson High School, The Eagle Dispatch wishes to congratulate the three recipients for their outstanding accomplishments in the world of academics.